I have 3 of Vanessa's prints hanging in my garden room. They bring a peace and tranquillity to my special space, capturing perfectly the therapeutic aspects of the sea, also reminding me of some special times spent, and with an optimism of many more to come. The prints are sent to you packed with such loving care and attention, a like I haven't seen before.
Andrew Oliver
I love my painting by Vanessa. It sits in my home office and every time I look at it I see something new. This may sound strange to some but it has a spiritual quality to it so that when I look at it, it helps me become more present and grounded. I liked it so much I also bought a photograph which has really helped me connect to the sea - a place I haven't been able to visit during the lockdown. Vanessa guided me through all stages of the print - from the paper to the frame. She also made sure it arrived safe and sound for me to open on my birthday. Her care is evident in all aspects of the art she produces.
Emma Cowles
I have known this artist for almost 20 years, she is the only artist to have brought me the understanding of pictures. As a totally blind person art can pass you by, but most of her work is to use many different materials to create both the mood and story behind a painting. I have the privilege of owning a painting by this artist and recommend many individuals and organisations to view and talk with Vanessa to understand how different textures can paint a picture and be totally accessible for many people.
Michael Duxbury
I emailed Vanessa with a view to purchasing a painting I had seen on her website, `The Vanessa Perry Gallery`. Vanessa was only too happy to allow me to visit her home and view her work. I am really glad I did, as Vanessa was very welcoming and happy to chat about her work, and I ended up buying a different painting, which I hadn't intended to purchase.
Seeing the beautiful paintings up close helped me decide how they would sit within the environment I was taking them back to. The paintings are very unique in their use of light and texture, and I felt it important that I could hang them at home, where their subtleties could be lit by natural light and appreciated. I also purchased a print, which is of a very high standard, and captures its texture wonderfully.
Thank you Vanessa, for allowing me to purchase a small piece of your amazing creativity to keep in my own home.
Natasha Kerrigan
"Over 15 years ago I bought the "Guardian" from Vanessa - she spent time with me choosing the right frame and making sure it was the perfect fit for my home. At the time I lived alone in the country and it hung at the top of my stairs to protect me! Fast forward many moves later he now hangs in my lounge in Scotland! Not a day goes by that I don't enjoy that picture! I hope you come to experience Vanessa's art in the same way - she is truly talented and will travel with you wherever life may lead."
Libby Barr
"I first met Vanessa when she was a portfolio carrying 6th Former, even then her work made an impression upon me. I've always considered her work to be brave. Her latest output is in my mind uncompromising and bold. This is where she seems to be right now but then again her work has always been true and she continues to be an explorer... I've enjoyed joining her on this journey through her painting. I'm lucky enough to have a number of her Seascapes in my home and I'm often happily 'lost at sea' when I take the time to sit with them."
Ken Finn
"Vanessa's art work has been a part of my home for many years and I hope for many years more. I love that it speaks to me in many ways, calming, poignant, but above all enigmatic. One day I see a forest, the next a church spire in the distance, another a stormy sky. It's layers and mood always draw me back time and again., challenging me to solve its mystery."
Andrea Daniels
"I bought one of Vanessa's paintings at Vodafone's first Art Exhibition.
It was the use of colour and the shapes in the painting that I particularly liked when I first saw it. It's a very peaceful piece and friends often comment on it when they visit."
Simon Williams
"I purchased a picture from Vanessa's first solo show 'The Dominating Factor' which now seems like another era. I loved the abstract imagery, the colour and the impact it had on me which was almost immediate. Its now in it's 4th home and still very much part of the family. People often ask me what the image is, that's quite a difficult conversation with young children."
Keith Varty